License Of use For Products And Services  OMNI DATA Srl 

All the products and services are submitted contractual conditions tothefollowings. 
To proceed to the use is necessary to accept the followings in full conditions, that we advise to print and to read with extreme attention:

Contract Of License Of use

ATTENTION: Before employing the software is it downloaded by Internet, manufactured or in other form you are begged to read the clauses and the conditions of the contracted following attentively. The employment of the software, involves the automatic acceptance of the terms and the conditions of this contract of license. If doesn't retain to accept such terms and conditions, you are begged to return the wrapping sealed still immediately, together to all the attached documents, or to not download the software from Internet, or to not proceed to the installation and however to the employment of the present software. 

TEST OF THE LAW OF USE:  This contracted is the proof that You are titular of a license of use of the Software.You are begged to print and to treat this document with the due respect and to keep it. In the future could ask you in whatever moment to give proof to be titular of a license relatively to the Software. For this motive the givens released during of recording, and inserted during the installation, are essential to individualize the titular of the license of use. Therefore the owner of the givens is the only titular of the license, and he is the only one that can use the software. 

Titolarità: The OMNI DATA Srl remains owner of the Software. OMNI DATA Srl and the concessionary company of distribution are titular of exclusive rights on the Software and on the attached computer support and manual of use, is in the version to print that in the version on line. THE SOFTWARE IS A PRODUCT Of EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY Of THE OMNI DATA Srl AND IT IS PROTECTED FROM COPYRIGHT AND FROM THE OTHER RIGHTS Of INTELLECTUL PROPERTY. THE OWNERSHIP Of THE PROGRAM AND OF EVERY COPY OF HIS WILL ALWAYS REMAIN Of TITOLARITÀ EXCLUSIVE Of OMNI DATA Srl. 
THIS LICENCE DOESN'T CONSTITUTE SALE Of THE SOFTWARE AND IT DOESN'T CONTAINED ANY EXPRESSION WHAT CAN BE INTERPRETED WHIT THE PURPOSE TO TRANSFER ANY RIGHTS ON THE SOFTWARE.  Your rights are defined by the present contracted  of license whose terms and whose conditions you must observe. 

Rights of licence:.OMNI DATA Srl grants YOU the right to use an alone copy of the Software on the type of computer and with the operative system for which the Software has been planned for operating. If you are titular of different licenses for the Software, then you can use a Software for every license of which are titular. If the number of who uses the software contemporarily overcomes the number of your licence, you must endow you of a mechanism to assure that the number of the persons that use the Software contemporarily doesn't overcome the number of the licenses of which you are titular. The use of the Software is verified every time that the Software or some part of it, is loaded in the memory of the computer to be used. 

Updatings: If you have asked in license the Software to improve or adjourning a precedent version of the same Software, it can be used only to replace the preceding version and  is not granted you an ulterior license of use. This Software and the preceding version of the same can not be used separately or transfer to third. You are authorized to copy the Software in any legible format mechanically or printed when this is necessary for saving purposes to support of the use from you.  

Limitations to Your law of use: You are not authorized to rent, to share or to lent free also the Software. You are not authorized to examine, to modify, to incorporate in other program, to reconvert in the aboriginal rising code, to decode, decompile or disassemblare the Program if not in the cases and with the limitations foreseen by the law. You are not authorized to remove or to hide the marks of the OMNI DATA Srl or the relative indications to the titolarita'. 

Duration of the contract: The present contracted of license of use is valid to indefinite time up to when You don't recede or the same doesn't come however resolved. It will be resolved automatically in the case in which You don't keep any his term or condition or in the case doesn't  the relative canon of license. It is granted you to recede in any moment simply destroying all the copies of the Program to Your disposition. However you bind to destroy every copy of the Program to the resolution of the contract. 

Guarantees and Your relative laws: OMNI DATA Srl DOESN'T FURNISH ULTERIOR GUARANTEES OF SOME TYPE AND, PARTICULARY IT DOESN'T FURNISH ANY GUARANTEE  THATTHE SOFTWARE IS WITHOUT ERRORS OR DEFECTS OF OPERATION AND THAT IT IS ABLE TO OPERATE A CONNECTION WITH EVERY OTHER SOFTWARE. EVERYGUARANTEES, CONDITION OR RIGHT OF INDEMNITY AND OF COMPESIATON,WHETHER EXPRESSLY ORIMPLICITY ESTABLISHED BY THE LAW, FROM THE CUSTOMS AND FROM EVERY PRECEDENT AFFIRMATION EITHER WRITTEN THAT ORAL (INCLUSIVE BESIDES EVERY GUARANTEE THAT CONCERN THE COMMERCIABILITÀ AND THE SATISFACTION IN THE QUALITY OR THE ADEQUACY TO A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ABOUT THE ABSENCE OF DEFECTS OF OPERATION) ARE TO INTEND TO ALL EFFECT, EXCLUDED AND NO ACCEPTED, EXCEPT EXPRESSLY AND OTHERWISE ESTABLISHED IN THE PRESENT CONTRACTED. OMNI DATA Srl doesn't furnish some guarantee that the use of the Software doesn't constitute violation of other right's. You will be only responsible of every violation of that rights.Any distributor, agent or dipendent of the OMNI DATA Srl is authorized to modify the guarantees furnished from the present contracted of license extending the reach of it or inserting some of the others, neither they are authorized to effect any other modifies to this contract of license. Every guarantee will be annulled if it will result that the defect of operation has been caused directly or indirectly from a tampering authorized not of Program object of the guarantee, from an attempt authorized not of reparation of the same or in the case in which the Program has been used in improper way like in the case is submitted to abnormal or unreasonably serious conditions of work. It is obligatory for YOU communicate to the OMNI DATA Srl immediately any defect, suspected only also, of the Program. OMNI DATA Srl in him carrying out to his obligations of guarantee will be able, to his discretion, to replace Your defective copy of the Program. 

Exclusion of responsibility for damages. In any case neither OMNI DATA Srl neither the concessionary company will be thought responsible to have produced damages of any type (inclusive, without limitations, the damages caused in terms of losses of profits, of interruption of working activity, of loss of information, or of monetary losses of other type) that derive from the use or from incapability to use the Program, also in the case in which OMNI DATA Srl has been informed around the eventuality of such damages. 

Prescrittibilità of the contest and risks to Your charged. Except that the law foresees otherwise, any contest that derive from the contracted present of license or to this relative, independently from the form in whitch is proposed, can be advanced departed a year from that the cause of the contest is verified or spent the briefest period foreseen eventually from the law. With the Contracted present of License You undertakes to bear every tied up risk to the quality and the performance of the Program. You assume the risk for every possible damage caused to apparatuses, programs, gives or to other elements through the duplication or the use of the Program, inclusive besides the costs of every reparation and/or substitution that had to be made necessary. You also assume responsibility for the choice of the Program to the purpose of the realization of the desired results, as well as for his installation, use and for the gotten results thanks to it. 

Applicable law to the contract. The Contracted Present Of License is Regulated By the Law Of the Italian State without can be kept in consideration the choice of one any other legislation..  

Partial application and amendments of the contract. If was verified the nothingness or the inapplicability of an any clause of the contracted present, such nothingness or inapplicability  it won't invest the validity of the other pattuizioni anticipated , which they will remain effective and applicable. In the case in which either possible that an inapplicable disposition can be amended by the pronunciation of the Judicial Authority so that to become applicable, such disposition will be so reformed. 

Other reserved rights. The OMNI DATA Srl is reserved the titolarità of all that rights to her guaranteed by the law that has not been expressly mentioned in the contracted present of license. 

General dispositions. You recognize to have read the Contracted present of License, to have  understand it, to have printout it and to accept the terms and conditions in it contained. You agree upon besides that it represents the entirety of the accords reached between You and OMNI DATA Srl which  overcome and replace whatever proposed or precedent agreement, oral or written, and every other communication relative however to the object of the Contracted present of License. 

Software freeware: also the softwares freewares are subject to the contracted present. OMNI DATA Srl, however, for these softwares  authorizes the free use, also maintaining all the rights and the conditions of license than above suitable. It is expressively forbidden manipulate, to alter the software and it is similarly forbidden to englobe it, to incorporate it, to integrate it or recalling it from and/or with other applications and/or also programs of whatever type. In every case the software freeware is furnished as it is in the state in which finds him and OMNI DATA Srl he doesn't assume any responsibility for the damages and/or the losses, of whatever kind and nature, resultant from the use and/or from these softwares. The legitimate revocation of the consent to the treatment of the personal gives (L. 675/96), it implicates the resolution of the contracted present of use, with consequent prohibition to use the program and appointment subsequently to destroy every copy of the same. 

Services of assistance and technical support: all the services of technical assistance and support furnished by OMNI DATA Srl, are regulated also by present conditions, additionally to the respective general conditions of supply of the single services. In every case OMNI DATA Srl can not be thought responsible of damages of some type caused from supply of the service misses it or from the provisional interruption of the same and even for answer misses it to the doubts or to the submitted questions. 

Accepting the contracted present of license of use you  accept expressly also all the clauses above suitable reentering to the normative relative to the Vessature Clauses, ex art. 1469 second sses. Civil code. 

All the rights not expressly granted  by the Contracted present are reserved.