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Software for the automatic creation of MOSAICS

The program software TILEMos of OMNI DATA allows the creation of single photo-realistic mosaics of ceramic, marble and natural stones products (wedges, tiles, joker, etc.).

Extremely simple in the use, any final users, distributor, technical it is able to create any mosaics of products, to verify the result of it, to intervene with the changes in interactive way and finally to produce the presses, to memorize in fully grown image or like a  proget.

Technical characteristic principal:

  • geometric creation of the dimension of the mosaic

  • choice of the photographic database wedges

  • choise of the base-image

  • automatic or manual creation of the mosaic  (procedure of choise couleur)

  • laying, management of the joint and editing of the mosaic (rotations, moves, etc.)

  • photo-realistic visualization, printing, memorization

  • library of the mosaic created with possibility of variant

  • automatic calculate and estimate of the used products

  • export technical data for automatic CAM

  • multilingual and auto-start program


The procedure is totally personalizable is as graphic interface of front-end is like it structures of the date-basic one and of the keys of search.

You can be distributed is on-line (around 5Mb comprehensive of the database and of the program of installation) is on physical support (CD-ROM, card-CD, mini-CD, etc.)


The functions and the procedure for TILEMos are inserted between the ' special layings ' also in TILECAD© and in TILENet©e as such the library of mosaics are interchangeable and totally compatible.


Example of an automatic mosaic.
In this elaboration you has departed from an image reorganized to 500x500 pxs and in around 1 min. of elaboration an automatic mosaic of 5mx5m is produced with wedges by 2,5x2,5 cms for a total of over 40.000 tiles.


Particular of an enlargement:


Example of a mosaic in  3D ambient.

In this elaboration a mosaic is placed on a wall of height 5 m, composed by around 30,000 tiles of dimension of 2.5x2.5 cm and with layings of mixed on the other walls and on the floor. The ambient is then completed with effects of light and some 3D  furnish.