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Learning & Training

to be productive shortly time, to learn the optimal use


All the copies distributed of the library software TILECAD™ contain a HELP on-line of over 1000 pages is in Italian language that in English.

Divided for single programs, procedures, functionality and tools, the consumer is able in every instant to resort to this tool for the elementary learning or for deepening overcoming natural initial difficulties in the use.



Some concessionary firms of distribution have created autonomously then some additional didactic forms to facilitate the use subsequently.


OMNI DATA, on demand, active training for the learning and the deepening on the use of his softwares distributed according to two typologies of courses:


Form 1 - Creation of the plant 2D
Form 2 - Management of the ceramic layings
Form 3 - Rendering environment 3D
Form 4 - Outputs, import/export, options, etc.




Unique form - on application, only some specifications and application particularity (for example: Info & Tutorial rendering - only italian language)

The course 'Enabling' it is anticipated of 8 hours (around 2 hours for form) to complete him in one or two days near the center client. The course 'Specialistic' it will be in operation of the in demand planning, not superior however to the 4 hours in an only day near the center client or our center. Participants' number for course is left to discretion but it recommends him a maximum of 4-6 trainees, each of which he can use in autonomy one station of his CAD.
On the courses and special projects it is possible the application of regional and European contributions and the organizational collaboration is effective with  CERFORM (Center of Formation ASSOPIASTRELLE, ACIMAC, ANDIL, IFOA, ecc. )


Example of multimedia Learning ( format .wmv - Win )

Example of multimedia Learning ( format .mp4 - iPod/iTunes)


For particular problem list or suggestions of experts to use the MSN™ Messenger on-line