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WEB service for the positioning on the Search Motors of world  for Ceramic Industries


The statisticians affirm that l'80% of the navigators of the net it uses the Search Motors  to reach a site of really interest. Besides, less than 50% of the navigators it visualizes the second page of results of a search and straight less than 25% it visualizes third (source: United States Military Accademy - University of North Texas - Rutgets University).

Being to the first places of the results of a search becomes therefore essential to have from a contemplated public reached and indeed party to the contained real of the site. The services of Ranking allow to bring and to maintain the situated internet to the first places of the results of a search.

TILEranking  is a service of conceived ranking and realized expressly for the Ceramic Industries exploiting the decennial experience of OMNI Data and it foresees:

  • choice of the words key and of the composition of the phrase of the site

  • optimization of the pages of the in operation site of the words key chosen

  • recording on the search motors of WEB

  • Check periodic and maintenance of the position on the search motors

These characteristics behave that the ‘ words ' of search on the motors and indexes that can allow the search of the site, the more than the times of the very generic results (they can be listed over 500,000 pages).


For this OMNI DATA it not only proposes a specific study of the tags with interventions on the single sites and an analysis on the single words but also on their sum or of phrase also intervening on the selection of the motors of search considering the indexes of use and pleasure.


Besides a strength of bump of a substantial group of firms leader of the same sector will condition the same index producing a conceptual cleaning of the list facilitating the use in the search.


The proposed services are divided for qualitative level and appointment of the personnel :

  • TILEranking STANDARD

  • TILEranking TOP




For information and estimate, contact us directly: info@omnidata.it