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Mission and Professional Ethics

The way of the to do is the being - Lao Tze



From longer 20 years OMNI DATA maintain her professional identity already definite from her costitution and she will never renounce to it.

Ours clients know well such professional philosophy that flow into a highly qualified, personalized and continuous service. The certainty of a continuos up-date, quick and light response for all the informatic problems; products of high-level quality and complexity are the base for a collaboration and a service that doen't see the axcellent relation in the client but in the partner.

The main features of the OMNI DATA structure are able so definite:

  • elevated cultural, tecnical and creative base;

  • honesty, clearness, secrecy and availability as professional ethics;

  • continuity in the executions and upkeep/ up-date of the software products;

  • quickness in the executions and in the responses with reachability of the results in the definite times;

  • planning also of long period and collaborationism in the new tecnology experimentation;

  • human terms that cannot be disregarded based on the mutual asteem and confidence;

  • certainty in the future presence and social stability.

Besides OMNI DATA is proposed always to the market what professional Ethical society whose principles he can reassume this way:

  • absolute precedence to the importance of the human relationship in comparison to any economic consideration and of profit;

  • overcoming of the concept of dependent job for a free relationship of professional collaboration to the same level;

  • great care and attention to the working environment with precedence to the domestic cloth-job;

  • unconditional acceptance of every difference and ability not-standard, agreements as personal and social enrichment;

  • refusal of every type of violence toward the human kind, animal and environmental;

  • obligation of exemplary citizen that avoids immoral behaviors, dishonesty, fraud or falsehood;

  • transparency and clarity in the budgets, in the taxation, in the rates and in the remunerations that have to be congruous and without any form of exploitation;

  • support and mutual help with the other ethical societies, the centers of search no-profit and ONLUS.

For further information:  Principles of professional practice ; International code of Ethics ; I hock For-ethics


Founded in 1982 from the Ing. Paolo Bartoli, did OMNI DATA structure is modified following also the market and italian society demands and evolutions.



From professional studio it's structuralized in society of people first and in S.r.l. at the end, picking up in time all the technological, commercial and professional experiences .

OMNI DATA don't have employees. It was in hundreds the professionests that has contribute in the projects or has intervene in the single phases in the past. Also at present OMNI DATA is an open company that continually search in the market the best intellectual and tecnical forces that insert in the order and in the long period according to clients detailed list and demand.

For this typicalness, intrinsic in the professional studios, OMNI DATA has had born ather collateral company with as now it actively collaborate.

The telejob, the direct commercialization, the continuous advice relation, the adjournment and the technical training, the thorough examination of problematics on the base of the greate experience acquire in the informatic field are the foundation on which OMNI DATA present him structere ready for the future.