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Zoom TILECAD 2D/3D interface


Complete library software CAD Professional CAD 2D/3D of planning, environment and laying for ceramics material, woods and palquet, marbles, cotto, stones, mosaics.


The library of tecnical software programmes specific for the ceramics world TILECAD™, is the complete and professional tool for the ceramics products laying planning.

Already adopted from the major world leader companies of ceramics with various names and with specific personalization, today it can boast a distribution of thousand copies and more than 100,000 tiles was insert in it data-base.

At the tenth year of analysis, up-date and wealth, TILECAD™ present it self complete of more forms and use options that do it a versatile, easy to use but powerful, higly verticalized both for the specialized users and for the first approach to the ceramics world of a professionist.

It's completely written in 32 bit native in Windows XP / VISTA / 7 environment, it overwork at greatest the graphics and elaboration capabilities of the current personal computers not requiring particularity neither specificality.

The bidimensional raster and vectorial graphics, realized on purpose, and the tridimensional graphics ) giving back TILECAD™ extremely open and interactive.

To this he adds the possibility to use the procedures POV-Ray / Radiosity / INDIGO to effect elaborations of tall definition and photo-realism and virtual reality.


Zoom TILECAD tiles project


The keyboard use is reduced at least, the working and the laying are directly followed from the software, the attachment help facilitate the learning.

The video presence of the interactive trees of the functionalities and the objects as well as the popup menù they subsequently facilitate the consumer allowing a total control of the projects and they accelerate both the selection and according to the qualitative standards of the most sophisticated CAD 3D in commerce.

Distribuited on CD-ROM in 6 langueges ( Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Russian ), complete of all the one that want to immediately start the planning, TILECAD™ is a complete tool, of higly produttivity and quality.




Informative material TILECAD™ ( .pdf  format ):


To download  brochure TileCAD
To download logic structures TileCAD


List of  software library TILECAD™:



CAD 3D - Virtuality in rendering

Compositions and ceramics laying

Metric computation and estimate

Movies, Panoramas, VRLM

Special laying: Mix, Mosaics, Cuts

Import / Export

2D videocatalogue

VirtualTILE -  3D videocatalogue

Graphics libraries

Help, Tutorial and Utility





  • Free creation of the much rooms architectural plant
  • Automatic procedures for the corners wallings hooking
  • Building structures insertion like walls, slabs and floors
  • Frames insertion with variable geometry
  • Internal decoration insertion with variable geometry
  • Bidimensional images insertion in transparence
  • Automatic creation of round wall
  • Wealth to pleasure with texture and colors on every structure
  • Insertions editing in every instant
  • Option of hooking, base grill, ruler, rotation, move, etc.
  • Automatic obstruction quoting
  • Multiple zoom in 50m x 50m area
  • Print preview and free or in scale printing
  • Total control of the default data
  • Background layout for the calculation in .DXF and .BMP format
  • Real time contemporary visualization of the corresponding 3D





CAD 3D - Virtuality in rendering ( ray-tracing / radiosity )


  • Choice of the view point, open, space rotation, zoom, etc.
  • True-color and real time visualization of the current 2D plant
  • Elaboration quality option with not aliasing procedures
  • Environment management: background, floor, grill, textures and images
  • Light management: position, environment, spot, color, fog (8 light contempo contemporaring)
  • Lights library
  • Elaboration with shadow effect for all light to user discretion
  • Print preview and true color printing on varied quality
  • Total control of the default data
  • Visualization save in .BMP .JPG file format
  • Anaglifi 3D with green-red glasses
  • Draw sketch  ‘by free hand ' with options
  • Special graphic effects of post-production: 20 algorithms of correction image 3D
  • Creation file VRML for the visualization 3D interactive in browers








Composition and Ceramics Laying


  • Laying for floors, coverings and structure on six faces
  • Real time laying visualization on draw with false color and/or photo
  • Flight choice: dimension, color, plaster, etc.
  • Laying for single room, multiple room and wall development
  • Management of the ceramics products graphics data-base
  • Modulatin and chance of the products laying
  • Complete editing of the effected insertion (copy, delete, move, duplicate, etc.)
  • Laying for laid upon layout
  • Automatic hooking on the picture
  • Laying of covering for laid upon of products line
  • Automatic laying with running after of the wallings and structures
  • Projection of the frames, structures and interior decorations
  • Creation and management of the panel libraries
  • Creation and management of the forms and compositions libraries
  • Forms insertion for hydrojet simulation
  • Total management of the visualization and enlargement (real scale)
  • View save on .JPG /.BMP file
  • Preview print and printing in false colors or true color photographics size
  • Info web link





Metric computation and Estimate


  • Automatic calculation of themetric computation of the laying effected in CAD
  • Automatic calculation of the preventive about lists and it parameters
  • Calculation subdivided for rooms and for covering
  • Discounting and discarding
  • Graphics view of the products in preventive
  • Change and editing of all the computing value
  • Printing of computation, preventive and products legend
  • Save and send by Internet
  • Link to lyings
  • Calculation for currency
  • Calculation of the weights
  • Calculation of the furnishes
  • Export in Excel, XML, TXT, etc.




Movies, Panoramas, VRML



Besides the already existing possibilities of visualization static fotorealistica in 3D, TILECAD puts to disposition of the visualizations of environments in 3D animate. The creation of small filmed continuous (in fully grown.AVI) or interactive (PANORAMA) it happens in seed-automatic form after having effected the planning of laying and with a least intervention from the alone consumer on some simple choices.

Likewise with the automatic export of the comprehensive projected environment of the layings and the you furnish in formed VRML directly in the web browser (for further information - VirtualTILE OMNI DATA ).

Also the post-elaborations with other programs freeware available già in the briefcase/bonus of the CD-rom.

To view an example to unload thelines:panorama.exe

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Special laying: Mix,  Mosaics and Cuts


It is possible to choose up to 10 quantities percentages of produced to place with casualness to produce some mixses elaborabili, memorizzabili and computable like a normal other layung ceramics.

The procedure has been made autonomous in the program TILEMix





Starting from an any image.bmp or .jpg the program elaborates automatically or according to the indication given by the consumer (dimension of the wedge, dimension and color of the escape, series and typology of the ceramics) trasforming the image in an optimized mosaic. The laying so created a panel it is considered that can be memorized, modified and calculated.

The procedure has been made autonomous in the program TILEMos





Departing from an any image. bmp or. jpg of mask to forgeries colors the program automatically elaborates the substitutions with the products of database or according to the indications given by the consumer (material of background, use of texture, etc.) turning the image into tiles and photo-realistic panels composed by cut, breakup, mixs of ceramic products, marbles, glasses and natural stones to get Terrazzo, Venetian, Genoese, Clattered, false Mosaics, Palladiane, Grits, Ingots, Marbled, Logos, etc.. The laying so created a panel it is considered that can be memorized, modified, staid and calculated in the projects.

The procedure has been made autonomous in the program TILECuts








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Import / Export


They are anticipated various possibilities of reading and/or memorization of formats of standard file inside the TILECAD™ procedures:

Particularly important it is the import of file. DXF 2D and reconversion 3D, both in way automatic that with facilitated tracing (interactive sketch with hookup on remarkable points) to simply accelerate the redefinition of the sketch and with safety on the dimensions and on the steps.


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2D Videocatalogue

  • Search on data-base with tipology, series and products subdivision
  • Show with iconic form of the chosen series and products
  • Otion of order, show, dimension, etc.
  • Correction of lighting, dimension, etc.
  • Save of graphic file on file or for copy into ather programmes
  • Automatic creation of page .htm for the WEB
  • True color printing of the products
  • Visualization for single product with export in paint software

















VirtualTILE - 3D Videocatalogue


VirtualTILE is a sum of technologies on purpose studied and specialized to get the virtual visualization 3D interactive fotorealisticas on CDROM to the ceramic productions, natural stones, marbles, mosaics, etc. wide also to the plans of laying, compositions, panels, special pieces, ambients and objects.

The result is of great visual impact, of elevated realistic quality, of maximum interaction and simplicity of use for an inexperienced use absolutely in the use of worlds 3D.

For further information : VirtualTILE


Graphics Libraries


  • True color photographics catalogue of the ceramics products
  • 3D objects of furnishing library (about 1000 parametric objects )
  • Texture and background library (about 500 images)
  • Images on trasparent library (about 500 images)
  • Vectorial forms library (about 150 forms)
  • Cuts masks ( about 100 masks )
  • Symbols ( over 200 technical symbols of  hydraulic, termo-technique, architectural, drafting, etc.)
  • Projects library (on user poersonalization)
  • Panels library (on user personalization)
  • Forms library (on user personalization)
  • Lights library( over 100 effects of light )


Help, Tutorial and Utility


  • Interactive Help for the fast search of the procedures and options 
  • Training structured in lessons for the learning to distance 
  • Send projects by E-mail Internet 
  • Management in six languages (Italian, French, Spanish, English, German and  Russian) 
  • Program of Installation
  • Extract database edn images from CD
  • Updating download online
  • Management and maintenance of all the data of default and preference with special program