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The project VirtualTILE of OMNI DATA is a sum of technologies on purpose studied and specialized to get the virtual visualization 3D on-line interactive photo-realistic addressed to the ceramic productions, natural stones, marbles, mosaics, etc. wide also to the plans of laying, compositions, panels, special pieces  and three-dimensional objects.

The result has to be of great visual impact, of elevated realistic quality, of maximum interaction and simplicity of use for an inexperienced use absolutely in the use of worlds 3D. To this the possibility is added to directly get on-line the visualization and therefore to be able to reach in every instant and in any part of the world the interested use.

Useful both for the creation of interactive videocatalogs 3D both for the understanding of projects and hambients and necessary to make to fully appreciate the elevated qualities of materic and texturized products  to all mass (porcelains, marbles, granulated, etc.)

OMNI DATA proposes two separate technologies that can be used according to the cases and of the specificities:

   Tecnology VRML + plug-in java

   Tecnology VRML + browers 3D

The before, of elevated quality, it needs a planning software additional, besides the creation of the model 3D. The second needs the download of a reader 3D free that he associates with the most common browers. This last typology is also integrated totally in TILECAD© that automatically produces the model 3D necessary.

Both technologies can also be used off-line and distribute on optic supports (CDROM, miniCD, CD-card, etc.)


  Virtual creation and interactive visualization 3D in Web  (tecnology VRML / W3D + plug-in java)


Technology studied on purpose in VRML - W3D (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)  of  OMNI DATA allows photo-realistic and the following interactive visualization to the creation, that is with the possibility to modify in real time the point of view and the same product, directly on-line on the WEB of ceramic products of any typology, geometry and texture (tiles, forms, panels, layings, etc).

With a special software, to facilitate the use and the creation of the various interctivites, elevated quality of photo-realism can also be gotten in the particular cases of difficulty of visualization ( metal or glass tiles, etc.) for which the papery supports of the catalogs it results insufficient or very limited.

The java software language allows besides to modify the parameters of the model WRML in real time, to create animations, varying, link and how much other as informative additions to the visualized product was needed.

To directly try some examples :


  Virtual creation and interactive visualization 3D in WEB ( VRML/W3D technology + browers 3D)




Technology studied on purpose in VRML - W3D (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)  of  OMNI DATA allows photo-realistic and the following interactive visualization to the creation, that is with the possibility to modify in real time the point of view and the same product, directly on-line on the WEB of ceramic products of any typology, geometry and texture (tiles, forms, panels, layings, etc). Thanks to the procedure of  export in TILECAD© it is possible to bring the ambient planned and tiling again in the browers3D directly on-line.

The final result is not an animation, neither a static image 3D but one vectorial file with ricalcolation in real time on the client, managed totally from the consumer according to its applications and necessity, exploiting simple commands of movement.
The file produced it is of solos a few kbs, legible from any browerses 3D of the last generation, except eventually to activate more functional free viewer.
Any intervention on the servers WEB: the format standard VRML  (ver. 1 and 2 - W3D ) they am borne totally and compatible.



To try some our examples :

Before start it is necessary to activate a free  browers 3D  (if your system is not in possession of it). Between the as ones we recommend:





For Pocket PC and Palm you can install for instance VRML Pocket Cortona